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Fact Sheet - Turkish Military Academy

The Turkish Military Academy opened its doors to the first class in 1834 by the order of Sultan Mahmut II. Throughout its long and proud history, the graduates of the Turkish Military Academy have established a reputation of bravery and service. From the Independence War through the Korea War, Cyprus Peace Operation to the latest peace-keeping operations in different regions of the world, the graduates of the Turkish Military Academy have distinguished themselves as the symbols of dignity, courage, perseverance and duty. The Academy proudly carries the honor of having Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (Class of 1901), unprecedented soldier and the founding father of modern Turkish Republic, as its graduate. Among an impressive array of its graduates are five presidents and three prime ministers of the Turkish Republic.

Turkish Military Academy offers cadets a superb four-year education in a wide range of undergraduate degrees including Computer, Electronics, Civil, Industry and Systems,Topographical and Mechanical Engineering besides social sciences majors in Business and Public Administration,International Relations and Sociology.

The content of the academic program is divided into three sub-systems. These are the Basic Common Program containing extensive academic knowledge establishing the intellectual foundations of cadets, the Undergraduate Programs containing in-depth knowledge on the majors of social sciences and engineering, and the Interdisciplinary Studies combining these two programs. The Basic Common Program ensures that each cadet is equipped with the knowledge in the fields of sociology, basic and applied sciences, military and engineering as well as foreign languages. As of the first year, cadets are placed into three academic fields; Field-1 consists of engineering majors, Field-2 consists of social science majors and Field-3 mainly foreign language studies.

Cadets have 30 hours of weekly academic education accumulating approximately 3000 hours/classes in four years.

Turkish Military Academy cadets represent the Academy at a variety of international competitions and grounds.

Turkish Military Academy located in the city-center of Ankara, capital of Turkey.

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