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  • Defense Management Department

    The Aim of Defense Management Department Undergraduate Program

    National defense field requirements have been the main starting point for the creation of the Defense Management undergraduate program. In this context, it was taken into consideration that the quality of the output rather than the content of the training programs is important. For this reason, it was underlined that education programs to be created should be national.

    The main factor in the training of future officers is the combination of the officer's performance and features required today and the capabilities he needs. According to this, the officer must be trained both to have a high performance to be expected in the short term and to have a high potential to be ready for the tasks he will take in the battlefield in the following years. The officers of the future must be trained in such a way that they can give the best decisions quickly and practically in the battlefield, be able to effectively manage their troops, and set an example for their unit. Therefore, there is a need for officers who think about and find solutions on “Problem Areas of the Future”. It was also emphasized that military officers should improve their level of Military Managerial Intelligence. In this context, with the Defense Management Department and the training programs set forth in this section, it is aimed to train officers who fulfill the needs of current operations and the expectations as well as officers who will shape the future battlefield.

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